How To Give Your Network Marketing Business A Boost: Use Effective Incentive Initiative
If you are a consultant and you still find yourself dancing in one spot without much business growth, it could be that you are not using incentives to give your business a lift.
How To Give Your Network Marketing Business A Boost: Use Effective Incentive Initiative
Healthgarde has shown all, how incentives can boost production. Every month, a monthly incentive program known as Health Matters is churned out with a lot of goodies and price slash on selected products. Yearly too, there is an overseas traveling program that takes scores of Consultants out to unwind and relax. These, among other things, make Healthgarde one of the most results-oriented Multi-level marketing companies in Nigeria. So, how can you borrow a leaf from this and probably improve? Let’s tell you how.
Effective Incentive Programme For Your Network Marketing Business
Incentives will get your Healthgarde business moving, producing a base, who are excited about their network marketing business. But before you set incentives to motivate your down lines, ensure that you train them properly. You can on the other hand, only get them trained if you are properly trained yourself. So after the training, the next key thing is motivation which you achieve with the right incentive program.
How to Use Incentives To Grow Your Network Marketing Business
Recognition raises the self-esteem of your team
It shows your downlines that you care about them, and you value and appreciate the effort that they put forth. You can’t put a price tag on that. What you’re trying to achieve with incentive programs is an increase in performance.
The two important factors in recognition are:
• What performances to reward• What to reward achievers
So your motivation with incentives should be based on these two critical areas, which are performed or actions that can lead to growth, and on achievers or those that got the actual job done.
What performances to reward
• A total number of guests at MLM opportunity meetings or on conference calls, that a downline achieved.
• Weekly, whoever had the most guests at the meeting or everyone who had over three guests gets a free dinner
• New prospects per week/month/quarter that a distributor reached, this is achieved by proper records which the upline inspects for meeting a set target.
• Retail products you are able to research for the purpose of eventual sales. There should be evidence that this was done
• Training steps completed. Incentives can be set for downlines, on training their downlines based on an outline, you have drafted. This is based on the fact that we know the positive effect, being informed has on productivity.
• Highest volume, the highest increase in volume, and the highest increase in volume percentage. Are also performance areas that we can have, incentives attached to.
This whole strategy is based on rewarding what leads to the actual result itself. Because, if the conditions are right the result will come. So, ask yourself have you set incentives along these lines?
What to reward achievers
Let us now consider what can be given to those who actually did the work. What kind of incentives, can you give? They can include :
• Professionally made certificates in a frame ready to hang on their wall
• Cash, cash incentives have a positive effect on production.
• Prospecting leads to high activity. For instance, you could award whoever has the most number of prospects on the MLM opportunity conference calls with 20 free leads.
• Apparel – such as company shirts or hats or other souvenirs.
• Convention tickets are a great one. E.g “Everyone who sponsors five new distributors in the next two months gets a free national convention ticket”. Like the Abuja dinner of Healthgarde.
• Travel is always a good one – ski trip, beach trip, cruise, or family trip. There are interesting places to visit even in Nigeria.
Points to take note of or avoid when setting incentives
• Lack of MLM training.
• Don’t extend the award cycle.
• Keep the program simple. If there’s a ton of twists and turns, no one knows what they have to do.
• Don’t use the same programs all the time. If the same people in your MLM organization win every time, others get discouraged. So change the program so that it rewards the super-achievers as well as others.
• Lack of follow-up after the program. Encourage all members of the team on a continuous basis even after the incentive period.
• Lack of communication – Someone has to be driving the incentive program. This means constant communication. Send pictures of the destination if it’s a trip. If it’s a phone, send pictures of the phone. Keep the incentive in front of your team a couple of times per week.
• Lack of a good rollout. This means to plan the program. Plan the promotion. Plan the award.
• If all the points above are noted, am sure it will go a long way to improve your business.
If you want to start making money with Healthgarde company call Felix Joshua now: +2347038574573, +2348074256315 to get started (Registration is Free and No Renewal charges)
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