When Your Biological Clock Is Ticking Away - Swissgarde Remedy For Early Menopause

You may be young and fabulous, but your biological clock doesn’t care for your career, killer body, or impromptu trips about town. The problem is, you mightn’t hear it ticking until it’s too late. But for others who might be conscious of it, it leads to a lot of tension and anxiety. There is that overwhelming fear that menopause is around the corner, for many women that are yet to have a child of their own. In other words: the older you get, the cluckier you. WHAT IS A BIOLOGICAL CLOCK? According to psychologists, the term ‘biological clock' is often used to refer to "the increased maternal instincts of (particularly) women as they get older". This occurs while the "perceived and actual ‘window' of opportunity to become pregnant reduces and thus, chances of getting pregnant are greatly diminished. And while men can ‘feel' the clock ticking too, they generally don't have the same urgency attached to this feeling, as there is no defined upper age at whi...