Tackling A Challenge Called Indigestion - Nutritional and Herbal Treatment for Indigestion by Swissgarde

Indigestion can be pain or discomfort in your upper abdomen (dyspepsia) or burning pain behind the breastbone (heartburn).
Dyspepsia and heartburn may occur together or on their own. Symptoms usually appear soon after eating or drinking.
Commonly associated symptoms include:
• feeling full or bloated
• feeling sick (nausea)
• belching
• bringing up (regurgitating) fluid or food into the gullet (esophagus)
Indigestion is a common problem that affects many people, but in most cases, it's mild and only occurs occasionally.

For more information on  Nutritional and Herbal Treatment for Indigestion by Swissgarde, contact Felix Joshua Benson at +2347038574473, 08074256315

What Causes Indigestion?

Indigestion is a symptom of many different conditions. It is usually related to a functional problem of the gastrointestinal tract (difficulty processing food or stomach acids). This dysfunction of the gastrointestinal system is caused most often by diseases, medications, and lifestyles.

Diseases or conditions that may cause indigestion include:
Ulcers (gastric or duodenal ulcer)
• GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)
• Esophagitis
• A hiatal hernia
• Gallstones
• Pregnancy (especially late-term)
• Inflammation of the pancreas (acute or chronic pancreatitis)
• Inflammation of the stomach (acute or chronic gastritis)
• Stomach infections and food poisoning
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
• Gastroparesis (a condition where the stomach doesn't empty properly; this often occurs in people with diabetes)
• Food allergies or sensitivities (such as lactose intolerance)
Heart disease, angina, heart attack
Thyroid disease

Medications that may cause indigestion include:
• Aspirin and many other painkillers such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
• Steroids (such as prednisone, methylprednisolone [Medrol, Medrol Dosepak], and Decadron)
• Estrogen and oral contraceptives
• Antibiotics (such as erythromycin and tetracycline)
• Thyroid medication
• Blood pressure medication
• Cholesterol medications (statins)
• Pain medications (codeine and other narcotics)

What Lifestyle Factors Cause Indigestion?
Lifestyle factors that may cause indigestion include:
• Eating too much, eating too fast
• Eating fatty, greasy, or spicy foods
• Excessive alcohol intake
• Stress, fatigue, and anxiety
• Caffeine
• Moderate to intense exercise immediately after eating

Here is a List Of All Healthgarde Products And Their Uses

For more information on  Nutritional and Herbal Treatment for Indigestion by Swissgarde, contact Felix Joshua Benson at +2347038574473, 08074256315


Aloe Vera
Just as Aloe Vera acts as a coolant and reduces the inflammation on the skin, it also cools down the stomach and provides heartburn relief. Aloe vera juice has a long history of use in Europe as a natural home remedy to relieve heartburn. You should only use aloe vera juice that has been specifically prepared for internal use, like Swissgarde’s Aloe Power.

Even a slice of apple can calm down acid production and reduce the burning sensation. Apples neutralize the acid in your stomach in about 5 minutes. Braeburn or Gala apples work best.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Stir 2 Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into 1/2 cup of water or apple juice & drink immediately after each meal. It will calm stomach troubles and bring about digestive relief. Apple cider vinegar can also be taken in tablet or capsule form.

Even though many people BLAME garlic for their heartburn, a clove or two can erase the burn as quickly as it came. Chew a clove of garlic when heartburn occurs, or store a few cloves of garlic in apple cider vinegar, and drink a sip of the liquid when heartburn occurs.
Raw garlic is a power-packed antibiotic and is known to kill the pathogenic microorganism that is most often found in those suffering from gastritis.

Fresh ginger is one of the oldest remedies for heartburn. It is also used to help treat nausea. Ginger can be added to food when it’s cooked, eaten raw, or consumed as ginger tea. Combine 1 tbsp. of ginger and lemon juice with 2 tbsp. of honey in 8 oz. of warm water. Drink when you begin to feel the effects of indigestion.

Peppermint Oil
Add two drops of peppermint oil to 8 oz. of cold water and drink whenever you have indigestion. If you are unable to drink this mixture, suck on one piece of peppermint candy to relieve indigestion and stomach irritation. Peppermint oil is a regular ingredient in over-the-counter heartburn medicines and a great cure for heartburn.

Turmeric helps stimulate digestion and prevent acid build-up and is commonly found in curried foods. If you don’t want to use turmeric in your cooking, it is available in Swissgarde’s Buchu Power.

All of the Natural extracts mentioned above can be found in the following Swissgarde products that can help to take care of Indigestion. They include Marina Spa, Buchu Power, Aloe Power, Super Cider, and Defender.

Click here to read and watch what people who have used these products are saying

For information on how to get, select, and combine them, contact Felix Joshua Benson at +2347038574473, +2348074256315
